Family Law Assistance

Civil and Family Law

When you’re facing a court case over children or a family breakdown, your heart can be breaking. 
You don’t feel you deserve to be having to go through this, yet you feel like you’re the one being left out in the cold with your hands tied. You’re worried that the cost of solicitors and barristers bills are going to break you and you won’t be able to afford to fight for your family.

It doesn’t have to be this way! You don’t have to be treated like this.

You can get legal assistance to help you represent yourself in court without breaking the bank.

BLAKE MONTEL are experts in Civil and Family Law, that get results without the hefty price tag.

Ontime at Services

Available at Your Location

Online Appointment

Send us a Whatsapp message or an email, we will get back to you soon.


Have Questions? Ask Them Today!

We offer a Broad Range




We Are Here To Help You 
Whatever your legal requirement is we are here to help you find the best possible and most cost-effective solution.

We understand that legal processes can be stressful and complicated which is why we pride ourselves on providing excellent communication to our clients.

Each client is provided with a main point of contact who can answer any queries or concerns that may arise and to ensure that they are happy throughout the progression of their case.

We are experienced and well versed, we put quality and value right at the heart of everything we do. We are perfectly well placed to help our clients in London and across the UK

Anyone involved in a family law case in a United Kingdom court is entitled to represent themselves in court (they do not need to employ a solicitor or barrister) and if they choose to do this they are termed a Litigant in Person (LIP).

A LIP may be accompanied by someone to help them. This is not an automatic right, but a judge would only refuse to allow a LIP to have the help for a very good reason.

More and more people are conducting their own Family Law cases in court, without a solicitor or barrister. This is because lawyers’ fees can be very high, and Legal Aid to pay these fees is becoming harder to obtain.

Representing yourself in court is not as daunting as it may sound, especially if you have the help in preparing the case beforehand and to sit alongside you in court. We will supply someone when needed.



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We Are Here To Help You
Whatever your legal requirement is we are here to help you find the best possible and most cost-effective solution.

We understand that legal processes can be stressful and complicated which is why we pride ourselves on providing excellent communication to our clients.

Each client is provided with a main point of contact who can answer any queries or concerns that may arise and to ensure that they are happy throughout the progression of their case.

We are experienced and well versed, we put quality and value right at the heart of everything we do. We are perfectly well placed to help our clients in London and across the UK



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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Vestibulum consequat ante
  • Donec malesuada massa vitae
  • Fusce a lacus non enim elementum

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We recognize that emotions are high when you go into court. But with us by your side you can be relaxed you will go there fully prepared; your anxiety managed and the knowledge we are here to take you through the process step by step.

We started our company because we have been where you are. We have felt the same frustrations. No one knows your case like you do. You know who, what, why and how. You know every detail of your case and that’s because it’s not just a case – it’s real life. It’s your life. What you need is a plan and someone to hand-hold you through the process. We will help get the job done but at an affordable price.
That panic attack? We’ve got you. Struggling with how to work with professionals? No problem. Angry at the accusations of your ex? We understand.

We really have seen it and got the t-shirt. We know both personally and professionally how to solve your case. We turn a reactive issue into a proactive and empowering exercise. We celebrate the fact that you know every aspect of your case and your children. We use this and couple it with our problem-solving, pragmatic and proactive path to success.

We work around England and Wales in courts ranging from magistrates’ courts all the way up to the Royal Courts of Justice in London. We have a strong track record in assisting our clients and have extensive experience and knowledge in most areas of the Family Courts. We are proven negotiators, skilled advisers and effective administrators.

We are on your side, There is no better team!

Well Focused

Family law:

Child Contact


Parental Responsibility

Leave to Remove

Parental Alienation

Child Maintenance

Social Services Conferences


Divorces can be messy and can be expensive. It doesn’t have to be like that. We can help you get all the paperwork completed to make it as painless as possible, as easy and amicable as possible.


Money Is it all about the money? Going to court is sometimes part of a family breakdown, a heartbreaking step that has to be taken if you’re not getting things sorted amicably. Whether it’s about coming to financial decisions concerning provision for your children, as part of your divorce or separation from an unmarried partner we’ve got it covered.

Non Molestation and Occupation Orders

The breakdown of relationships is an emotional and uncertain time. You’re not sure what is going to happen, when you’re going to see your children or even where you will be living in the near future. Sadly these emotions can boil over into something that requires the assistance of the courts to provide resolution. Maybe you feel unsafe. Maybe you’ve been accused of behaviour that simply isn’t true. Maybe you need to remain in your home. Maybe you’ve been removed from your own.





Frequently Asked Questions


General Liability and Litigation

We like to think we’re pretty unique – we work in a very different way to others in family law. We’ve assisted people we’ve seen the same questions come up over and over…so here they are and here are the answers to them!

Do you accept legal aid?

No. Only solicitors and barristers can do that. We’re family law specialists.

Can I have a quick chat?

Yes. Our initial phone consultations with our family law specialists are just £50

Can I speak to someone today?

Yes. Send us a whatsapp message +44 7808 240 908 to arrange.

How much will my case cost?

This is a `how long is a piece of string?’ question. Two big factors however are a) how much you want us to do (we’ll do as much or as little as you like) and b) how long your case goes on.

How long will my case go on? Another `how long is a piece of string?’ question!
Can you be in hearings with me? Yes! Whether it’s a physical or virtual hearing we can be with you every step of the way.
Can you represent me? No! Only solicitors or barristers can do that but we can:
Help you with paperwork and forms.
Give you advice `on any aspect of the conduct of the case’.
Take notes.
Provide moral support.

Can I stop court ordered contact if it’s in the bests interest of the child?

Legally No. But in situations where you have genuine concerns your options include making an emergency application to the courts and getting in touch with the police and/or social services.

Will I get to see my children after the first hearing?

Sometimes. That depends on the case but our experience is that without the agreement of the primary carer at a first hearing it’s likely to take a little longer.
Hope this helps! For anything else…get in touch!

In the world crime only is lose

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa.

Civil Disobedience

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa.

Talk to Us! We Promise We Can Help You! Call Us Now!

All you need do is…
Fill in the form below.
Email or Whatsapp message us on +44 7808 240 908
Our charge is £95 for the initial meeting
Speak to one of our family law specialists!
It’s that simple. We’ll give you no-nonsense, practical and maybe even a game plan that’ll help you get out of trouble!

For your information!!! You don’t need to be a dad. And you’re welcome to ask for help with your divorce or finance case too!

Speak soon!